Get trained on the job » ServiceIQ
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Get trained on the job

Take up training with ServiceIQ and give your career a boost

Working in the service industry can open doors to all sorts of careers. With the right qualifications you can really go places, and that’s where ServiceIQ can help.

Our training programmes take place at work, during normal working hours, so you can learn while you earn. They’re flexible, easy to manage and don’t require any full time study. They're the perfect way to upskill and improve your career prospects, all while at your day job. If you'd like us to talk to your employer about on-job training, give us their details and we'll get in touch. 

What sort of qualifications can I get?

You can work towards a New Zealand Certificate, Diploma, Award or an Apprenticeship. You can even start with a Gateway programme if you’re still at secondary school.

The learning you complete through ServiceIQ will be registered on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework and will count towards future qualifications and the study you do.

You’ll gain nationally recognised qualifications, which will make you a more valuable employee and greatly enhance your career prospects.

Make your job more enjoyable and satisfying

Open doors to new and better jobs, or a different career

Take on new challenges and responsibilities

Learn more and earn more